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Why Choose Home Health Care?

a senior smiles drinking coffee
By TRU Healthcare
TRU Healthcare
Published: January 29, 2016
Updated: February 6, 2024

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that overall health and life expectancy continue to improve in recent years for most Americans, thanks in part to an increased focus on preventative medicine and dynamic new advances in medicine and medical technology. However, not all Americans are enjoying a healthy lifestyle and living longer equally. Many racial and ethnic minorities in the United States struggle to live longer, healthy lives, due much in part to the fact that appropriate care is often associated with an individual’s economic status, race, and gender. Equitable access to health care is a foundational principal at HealthStar Home Health and we focus daily on reducing or eliminating the disparity in health care in the diverse communities we serve throughout Minnesota, Arizona, and New Mexico.

The term home health care encompasses a wide range of health care services that can be provided in the home for illness, injury, or daily care. Our home health professionals provide unparalleled public health care services ranging from Alzheimer’s and dementia care, behavioral nursing, home health care nursing, or respite care to daily cares like bathing and dressing, chores around the home, transportation and companionship. We are a culturally sensitive team of health care professionals that provide services to individuals who are traditionally underserved. Our community-based approach to reducing health disparities is based on the premise that the causes of poor health include factors related to the social, economic and physical environment of a community. The way in which we work enables us to build long-lasting relationships with members of the community, which then allow us to participate in local causes, activities and events.

HealthStar Home Health offers culturally-relevant services that address the unique needs of various communities in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area.  Some of the multicultural initiatives we have started and proudly serve are:

First Nations Home Health Minnesota’s premier provider of home health services for Native American communities. Not only providing service from seven branch locations in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, but also serving greater Minnesota, such as Duluth and Bemidji and the Red Lake, White Earth, Leech Lake, Bois Fort, Fond du Lac, and Mille Lacs Reservations.

Sagrado Corazón – Minnesota’s most trusted source of home health care services for the Latino community. Our teams of care givers, nurses and case managers provide services that allow people to stay at home in familiar cultural surroundings, develop good health habits, and reduce hospitalizations.

Circle of Life Home Care This home health care initiative offers personal health care services in the ten county area of northwestern New Mexico, and Arizona. The services are specifically designed to enhance the well-being of Native American people with a focused goal to improve the health status of those who experience an unusually high rate of preventable acute and chronic illnesses.

If you have a passion for health and wellness, care deeply for others and want to be part of an occupation the New York Times often reports is expected to grow more than any other and will become the largest occupation in the next 5 years, then being a caregiver is for you! HealthStar Home Health offers employment opportunities in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, northern Minnesota area, including Duluth and Bemidji, Arizona and New Mexico. Contact us to learn more.

HealthStar Home Health understands how overwhelming and difficult it can be to care for a loved one at home, as well as the cultural, ethnic, and linguistic challenges our patients face, and offers a variety of home health care services to support your loved one to live a more independent and fulfilling life at home. Contact us today at 888-689-3391 for more information and to schedule a no-charge consultation.