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Happy 30th Birthday, ADA!

an adult with developmental disabilities and a senior smile at one another

HealthStar proudly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on its 30th Anniversary. This important civil rights law works to ensure all people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. On July 26th, the ADA officially turns 30! Celebrate with us by visiting: 

How has the ADA changed your life? Share your stories with #ADA30 and #ThanksToTheADA. Everyone can join in the celebration! Many changes have been instituted since the ADA was “born,” but the goal of equality in access and representation can’t rest yet. Want to know more? Visit for more information about who and what the ADA represents. You’ll also find resources to help businesses with compliance, as well as resources for individuals who want to know more about covered rights under the act.

Join HealthStar in saying #ThanksToTheADA for working toward a more inclusive community! At HealthStar, we know that we are stronger when we embrace and celebrate the things that make us unique. Above all else, HealthStar appreciates and values the differences in all members of the community. We’re 24ECC strong – we have 24 “official” ways to share the “HealthStar Way” with our co-workers, caregivers, and Clients! If you or a loved one are in need of personal care, check us out. We’d love to show you how our 24ECCs can help us understand and attend to all of your unique needs!