It has been almost a full calendar year since the “new normal” has taken precedence in our daily lives, and to say that things have changed would be a rather blunt understatement. Specifically in regard to HealthStar, we have had to fully invest in and revamp our beliefs in safety, inviolability, and sanctuary assurance when it comes to interacting and caring for our clients in the midst of COVID-19. As such, we understand how challenging these times can be when it comes to caring for a loved one—or someone close to you—when there are limitations on just how and when you can actually perform those acts of care. Luckily, HealthStar can provide you with some tips and helpful information to improve the way that you provide care for them. We also have the services that can provide relief, comfortability, and a trusting relationship if you are ready to take the next step into working with our healthcare professionals.
All The Small Things
Well… maybe not ALL, but at least two…
As a team of over 1,100 caregivers, there are two words that come up time and time again when it comes to the best in quality care: Consistency & Comfort.
Consistency is something that has definitely been hard to come by lately, oh boy do we know… “change is the only constant” has once again proven true for us even into 2021. With that said, we still understand that consistent care is the pinnacle of helping someone make improvements in their life through quality care. So, if you are struggling to find ways to be consistent, start small! Assisting them up at the same time each day and developing a regular morning routine that fits into both parties’ schedule is a great first step, helping to get the day off to a great start and set a structure for the rest of it. Consistency also aids in fostering a growing amount of trust overtime, with trust being the framework for any strong and healthy relationship. This is something that HealthStar always keeps in heavy consideration, as we understand the responsibilities we are tasked with when asked to provide quality care through the same trust that you—a fellow loved one—possesses. It is with this trust that we can move to our second crucial care factor: Comfort.
Comfort, as an extension of consistency, goes hand-in-hand. Routine provides a sense of familiarity and calm. If, however, routine is once again something that is increasingly more challenging to come by, we can help you develop them for you and your loved ones, and work together to achieve that desired level of comfort. But comfort is more than how someone feels physically. We also make sure our clients are supported emotionally, spatially, and mentally, whether this is through creating an extensive care plan with you to facilitate, or the in-person care options offered by HealthStar.
Now, while we can provide you with an encyclopedia’s worth of knowledge on improved aspects of at home caregiving like the ideas above, our extensive team of physical therapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, and many more experienced professionals can provide the services you or your loved ones need right in your home, with full attention to detail to the CDC’s COVID-19 practices required. Therefore, we ensure a safe and clean interaction with any clients who choose to work with us.
Finding the Care that is Right for You
We know that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, finding quality care for a loved one seemed like a process too large to endure and even too frightening to imagine someone other than yourself providing your loved ones with care. We hear from new clients how hard it is to think about someone else doing their job quite often, but that’s exactly what caretaking is—A JOB—and it can be overwhelming. As such, we are here if you wish to advocate for working with the licensed professionals here at HealthStar, where we regularly update our methods and practice to stay in accordance with all COVID-19 health standards.
So, we ask that in a time when the task of at home caregiving is so important to the safety of those who need it, that you consider a licensed HealthStar professional not to take over your job, but to act as a partner to you and your loved ones. In accordance with our community-based approach, we want to work with you to find an option that is best, whether that be Home Health Aide (HHA), Skilled Nursing, ICLS, or a simple daily homemaking plan.