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Employee Spotlight: Julie McFarlane

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HealthStar Home Health has some pretty impressive employees with an extraordinary range of skills and backgrounds. From our Nurses and Caregivers in client homes providing one-on-one care, to our team of administrative professionals working “behind the scenes” to make sure operations are running smoothly, HealthStar has quite the team focused on providing the best care possible to our clients.

We LOVE spotlighting our amazing nursing team! This month we celebrate Julie McFarlane, RN Case Manager out of the Cass Lake office. Julie started with us in October and has already made a lasting impression on both our clients and employees. Her ability to never shy away from a challenge and never being afraid to ask questions is what makes her an invaluable member of the team. The entire HealthStar team is excited to watch Julie grow and thrive in her position at the Cass Lake office!

Q: What do you do at HealthStar? What does a typical day look like for you?
A: I am an RN Case Manager with HealthStar out of the Cass Lake Branch office. On a typical day you will find me talking to clients and PCA’s on the phone to schedule supervision and annual visits. I make home visits to ensure clients are satisfied with the care and services they are receiving along with ensuring PCAs are following the care plan for the client.

Q: Before working at HealthStar, what was the most interesting or unusual job you’ve ever had?
A: You can call me a Jack of All Trades, but Master of None. I have worn many different hats in my life time. Everything from Farm hand to Floor Nurse, Rural Mail Carrier to Jewelry store clerk. The most interesting Job would have to be 911 dispatcher/Jailer for the Roseau County Sheriffs Department in Roseau MN. I enjoyed working with the officers and knowing every day was a different day when I went to work was exciting.

Q: What is your proudest moment working at HealthStar? 
A: I am most proud that my co-workers are excited to have me working with them. At the Cass Lake Branch they had been without an RN for quite sometime. Jean tells me frequently that she is “tickled” that I am here after I complete a task. I am proud of my willingness to work and skills that I bring to the Cass Lake Office.

Julie McFarlane (and family!), RN Case Manager

Q: If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing (except money), what would it be and why?
A: Fabric! I have always enjoyed crafting and quilting. Over the last years my passion to sew has grown and prices of fabric just as much. You will find me sewing EVERYDAY!

Q: What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
A: Most my not know that I can carry a tune. Since I was little I have been singing. I was a part of the Minnesota All State Lutheran Choir as a senior in high school. Took voice lessons while attending UND, Grand Forks, and sang with the University of North Dakota Women’s Choir. Now days you will find me singing in my car and at home.

Q: What is your motto or personal mantra?
A: “We can not change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails to always reach our destination.”

Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
A: The ability to make a meal by snapping my fingers. I have no idea how my grandmother could make a meal in a matter of minuets anytime of the day.

Q: Tell me about the best day you’ve had working at HealthStar.
A: My best day was when I came to work and there was a package on my desk. The main office had sent a welcome package. I have never felt so welcomed when starting a new job as I was on Oct. 17th here at HealthStar.

Q: What do you like most about your job at HealthStar?
A: As a nurse I truly like the people. I enjoy visiting and taking time to listen to my clients. Learn about what they enjoy brings joy to me.

Q: What would be the title of your autobiography?
A: I didn’t make mistakes, I learned valuable Lessons.