Hustle, Bustle, and So. Much. Stuff. This season, while we rush from one event to another, thoughts flying a mile a minute, and pockets feeling mysteriously lighter after every shopping spree, I’d like to make a suggestion. I’m sure I won’t be the first to say it, and I hope that I won’t be the last. Ready? Here it is. Don’t forget what you ALREADY HAVE, and don’t forget to check in on those who may not have so much as you.
You’ve probably heard the quote:
I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.
Helen Keller, derived from The Gulistan by Saʿdī
To me, this is a timely reminder of two things: 1. to be grateful for what you’ve got, and 2. to be mindful that there are always those who have more than you do, and there are also always those who have less. I have found that, for myself, spending time reflecting on the things that I already have in my life can really help me keep things in perspective, and can help me keep a more positive outlook.
The Mushy Stuff
Some things are universally appreciated, and others are more individual. But we all have something to appreciate. Some of us just might need a little more help getting into the appreciating mood. (looking at you, grinchy-poo)
Before we continue: I hereby accept the risk of being labeled an “oversharer.” I’ll gladly take one for the team if it helps get a few people in the holiday mood. So, in the interest of oversharing:
Here’s a few things from my warm and fuzzy “already have it” list, to help you warm up your attitude of gratitude.
I am grateful for my family, my AMAZING HealthStar co-workers (holla at you, Susan), and for the fact that I currently do not have a cold for the first time in several weeks. As for my home – we might not have all the fanciest things, but I appreciate our basic dishwasher, and I am especially grateful for the fact that my husband patched the bad spots in our roof BEFORE the snow fell.
Family, Friends, and Silent Phones
There are many of us who are missing family members or friends at this time of year. For me, thinking of those who I won’t see this holiday is also a time to be thankful for the time that we’ve had together in the past. I also try to be mindful and present during the time that I do have with my family, so that I can create lasting memories to look back on for years to come. (I am so grateful for the “silent” feature on my phone!)
The Joy of Others
Last, I am grateful for the opportunity to do something for someone who might need something more than I do this holiday season. There are so many different ways to give this season, from volunteer opportunities, to adopting a family in need, to just checking in with loved ones or neighbors who might need some support. For me, this is the true meaning of the season. Yeah, it’s mushy, but I also think it is totally true. I get far more joy from giving than I do from thinking of what I might get in return. That’s why I love working at HealthStar – it’s a whole company full of people who just want to do stuff for others. It sounds cheesy, and we’ll own that as a group, because serving others is truly the HealthStar way!
An Unexpected Gift
So what’s topping HealthStar’s gift list this year? We have a few requests from each person who reads this post. First, please accept our gratitude. We appreciate you checking in on our site, and we are so touched that you’re reading the blog! Second, please stretch out your arms – a little more… there. That’s how much we appreciate all of our staff, Clients, and all of the community members who help us do what we do. THANK YOU to all of you! Without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!
Last, here are a few ways that you might spread the HealthStar holiday joy, if you’re feeling up to the task!
Do something unexpected for someone. Make someone’s day in a way that they didn’t see coming. Check in on your neighbors and friends. Make a phone call, or better yet, a video call to a relative who lives far away.
Create a handmade card – it’s not just a craft for kids! Get out your scissors, paste, and construction paper. Make an ornament or a paper snowflake. Re-connect with your inner child this holiday season and do something just for the joy of doing.
Throw a snowball at your spouse. Smile at a stranger. Walk or drive around just to look at the holiday lights! Most of all, think of all the things that you HAVE this season, and be glad that you have them. Do this before you shop, and I bet you’ll end up with more in your wallet and in your heart.
Know someone who could use some extra help this holiday season?
Whether you or a family member are struggling with general health concerns, mental health and wellness, or a serious medical condition, check in with the HealthStar team to see what we might have in our big bag of tricks. If nothing else, we’d love to share our holiday smiles!
Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season, from all of our HealthStar family!